Pokemon coordinator

In the Pokemon world, there are coordinators, who, instead of competing for gym badges, enter pokemon contests to earn ribbons. When 5 ribbons are obtained, they may compete in the grand festival, which is similiar to a trainer competing against the Elite Four.
Pokemon contests
In the anime, Pokemon contests are scattered across the region, and they each give ribbons to the winner. They consist of several rounds: in the first round, coordinators have their Pokemon use moves to create a beautiful scene, and some are picked out to go to the next round. Those trainers face off, tournament style, in a contest battle. The two left battle against each other, and the ribbon is awarded to the winner. Contests are judged by three judges, one of them usually being nurse joy.
Contest battles
During Pokemon contests, when coordinators battle, they battle in a contest style battle. A contest battle is timed, and with each hit the Pokemon take, the trainer loses points. When the Pokemon is knocked out, the coordinator loses all of their points, or time is up, the winner is declared. Pokemon are also judged by how gracefully they execute their moves.
May was the first female coordinator to join Ash on his journey (the first female was Misty, but she was not a coordinator). At first, May was scared of Pokemon, but eventually came to like them. She uses mostly "cute" Pokemon, such as skitty and torchic.
Dawn is the coordinator who joins Ash on his journey through Sinnoh in diamond and pearl. Her first Pokemon was Piplup, who she recieved after going a journey to rescue him from Ariados. Eventually, she obtained other Pokemon, such as a Cyndaquil which she hatched from an egg she won at the Hoenn festival, and a Buizel which she traded with Ash for an Aipom (Buizel was more interested in battling, and Aipom was more interested in contests) which eventually evolved into Ambipom and was given away to a Pokemon ping-pong facility. One time she battled Farina of the Hearthrome gym, but it was not an official gym battle.
Jessie of team rocket enters contests masquerading as Jessilinda.
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