Pladd dot music

Pladd Dot Music is a music company located in Statesboro, Georgia. Although opening its doors as a school of music in 2005, Pladd Dot Music has ventured out into many different areas of the music industry. Pladd Dot Music is now involved in Music Education, Music Production, Professional Audio, Music Publishing, and Instrument Manufacturing.
Pladd Dot is owned by Chris Mitchell; the company owns the Pladd Dot brand and also branches out with other areas of industry in graphic design (Pladd Dot Graphics) and toys (Pladd Toys, a toy company designed with the sole purpose for supporting Toys for Tots).
Pladd Dot Music started in 1994 as an idea between friends Chris Mitchell and Brian Hendrix. The "Dot" portion of the name comes from an accident that happened to Mitchell while he was designing a flyer for his college band, Won by One. As he was drawing on the flyer with a marker he looked away from the page. When he looked back on the page, the marker had soaked a black "Dot" into the page. With no white out or no computer to help design, Mitchell simply printed the flyer with the black dot. He inscribed the words "the black dot" underneath the blemish to explain to onlookers why it was there. According to Mitchell, he also thought it would be "quirky and different". He later told Hendrix that he'd like to develop a company to help manage the band and he'd like to call the company "Plaid Dot Music" and thought it would be cool if the logo was a "Plaid Dot". Hendrix agreed but immediately suggested that the spelling of "Plaid" should be "Pladd" because of it's more accurate phonetic spelling. Mitchell agreed because he also never liked the spelling of "plaid" and felt like following "standard third grade rules of English" would constitute the pronunciation of "plaid" to be "played". Mitchell and Hendrix both agreed that Pladd Dot Music would be spelled with the double "d" spelling much like the word "add".
Currently Pladd Dot Music uses a backronym to describe the word's unusual spelling. The backronym is P.L.A.D.D. (Performance Learning Artistic Development Dedication) and fits in well with their business model and ties to education.
Pladd Dot Music got their first logo in 1997 and was designed by Mitchell. The logo's design was inspired by the Coca Cola company's "button" design. The logo was re-designed using the "sphere" shape in 2003. Mitchell has been noted in interviews his reasons for re-designing the logo: "I felt like I never really reached the depth with the previous logo. I had always envisioned a sphere if we ever wanted to do any 3-D work with the logo. The button looked a little dated, and I must say that my photoshop skills were limited in 1996 when I began working on it".
June 4th, 2009 Pladd Dot Music was awarded the "Best Brick" award for renovation by the Statesboro Downtown Development Authority
April 22, 2009 Pladd Dot Music was given the Entrepreneur of the Year award at the Statesboro-Bulloch County Chamber of Commerce Small Business & Entrepreneur of the Year Awards Luncheon.
December 2008 Pladd Dot Music was awarded the Property of the Month by Keep Bulloch Beautiful
Pladd Dot Records & Publishing Releases
the chester project (2009)
ashlee mitchell - a lullaby album (2009)
Lessons for Life (and guitar) (2009)
Damsel In Distress-a-lot (2006)
Evandrool (1999)
Wonderllamasoup (1996)
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