Thesis on video

van Eijk´s good selection is a youtube channel, curated by the Norwegian videoartist Tor Jørgen van Eijk. It´s ambition are to present internet users to the finest selection of avant-garde videoart. As of June 2009 the selected artist are: Hjørdis Kurås, Sabina Jacobsson, Benedikte Rønsen in addition to van Eijk. Other artists previously involved with the program were Camilla Figenschou and Dodda Maggy. The following principels serves as the core of van Eijk´s curatorial praxis:
Video is an autonom language with it´s unique set of parameters from where all videoart originate:
i.e. video as a recording device of time instead of action- argues videoarts tendencies to be slow, boring and without much happening.
Video as a conceptual device- nor praised or ridiculed by the artists technical abilities or lack of such abilities.
Video as an extension of the body- argues the selfcontained narcissism within the medium.
Video after MTV- argues videoarts coherence of an artistic idea unrestrained by a seductive and commercial demand for a visual representation of an audible medium.
Video after Big Brother- argues that whith the last decade`s sudden omnipresence of reality shows, videoartists are obliged to present the idea of television with a significant rather than staged reality.
Video after YouTube- embraising YouTube and it`s counterparts for acheving the utopian idea of television, as a transmitter and receiver of language.
Tor Jørgen van Eijk. January 2008.
video as a recording device of time instead of action
video as a conceptual device
video as an extension of the body
video after Big Brother
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