
Placeopedia was an online gazetteer (unavailable as of July 2012) which integrates Google Maps images (including satellite photos) and encyclopedia articles using user-generated content. Placeopedia was constructed by UK-based mySociety and started in September 2005.
Users could place a 'pin' on a location on a map (at an appropriate zoom level) associated with a relevant article from the English for that location. Then when anyone viewed the map, links to the entries associated with each pin were visible, as well as the user name of who added the pin. Corrections could be filed, to be reviewed by Placeopedia staff.
The information could also be viewed in Google Earth: a view-based refreshing KML file was provided.
The site also provided syndicated data (via RSS) under the Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons license. Download the entire contents of the database were also provided in a variety of formats.
Initially the site required users to sign up with an email address in order to contribute information, and no bulk download of the database was available, but this has since changed.
Since the launch of Placeopedia, several separate projects started which provide Google Earth links to articles but make direct use of coordinates in articles and so do not require additional user input.
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