Pirates of the caribbean the fountain of youth

Pirates of the caribbean the fountain of youth. Is a rumoured title for the fourth pirates film. Although there are many who would like it to atleast be in production currently very little is known on this project. Although Johnny Depp has stated that he would love to re-take his role as the famous Captain Jack Sparrow, there are rumours that he has been payed $40-$45 million to play Jack Sparrow in the Fourth film.
Keira Knightly and Orlando Bloom however will not be continuing with the movie franchise. Keira stated that she has been involved with the movie franchise sinse she was 17 and now wants to move on to different things.

Co-writer Terry Rossio stated within a online interview that the fourth Pirates film
"It's like the fourth Indiana Jones picture - there are forces in play to make it happen, and forces in play to make it not happen. I think we will try to write a screenplay. I can't say if we'll be able to solve the challenge of making a good fourth film, or if our screenplay will be enough to get a film made"

And this appears to be all that is currently known of the movie franchise. With many rumours going around it is difficult to know what is true and what is false.


There are a large number of rumours around which are still yet to be verified. These include, there will be no fourth film. The fourth film will be a spin off and Barbossa and Jack will both be in the fourth film. These are only a small number of rumours.

Possible Plot.

When watching Pirates of the caribbean at worlds end. The very jack scene sees Jack Sparrow with the navigational charts. When he turns the charts he makes the words Ponce De Leon and Aqua De Vida. When researching into the words Ponce De Leon and Aqua De Vida. The Words Aqua De Vida mean "The fountain of youth" Which is also mentioned in the final scene of the film by Captain Barbossa. The words Ponce De Leon are actually the famous Spanish conquistador Ponce De Leon. Who, in his memoirs stated that he was searching for the fountain of youth, which according to Ponce De Leon is located within Florida. Does this mean the fourth movie may be in olden florida? We will just have to wait and find out.


Johnny Depp Pay.

Keira Knightly Not being in it.

Terri Rossio interview.

Pirates 4 rumours.
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