Brethren Court

Within the fictional universe of Pirates of the Caribbean, the Brethren Court, or simply the Brethren, is a fictional pirate governing body set as the main protagonist force behind the trilogy against its antagonist counterpart, the East India Trading Co. The Court made its only appearance in '. In the film, Cutler Beckett makes a genocidal threat against piracy, alarming the pirate world. It ultimately results in an emergency assembly of the Fourth Brethren Court as a final stand for the existence of piracy.

From what is known in the third installment, the Court was first convened some ages prior to the events of the film by the Court's first pirate lords, who imprisoned the heathen goddess Calypso so that men could claim her waters for themselves. The purpose of the Court is to resolve issues that threaten the practice of piracy in its entirety. Before making final decisions however, the lords must consult the Pirata Codex, to make sure that their actions follow the "guidelines" of the code. The only pirate among them who may declare war is the pirate king, who is elected by the pirate lords by popular vote.

The Brethren Court is based on the historical Brethren of the Coast, from which producers of At World's End developed the version as seen in film.


The First Brethren Court was convened at Shipwreck Cove, an impenetrable pirate fortress. The purpose for the meeting is revealed throughout At World's End as being to imprison the heathen goddess, Calypso. The Brethren figured that with Calypso taken from her powers over the seas, they would be able to "tame the seas" for themselves. Davy Jones, out of rage, thus came forth in this meeting to teach the lords how to imprison her within Tia Dalma. Jones, prior to the meeting, was heartbroken by Calypso, who was his love. To bind Calypso, the Brethren planned on using nine pieces of eight, but when they first met, they were completely impoverished with no common currency, and so they used "pieces of junk". These pieces of junk however kept their name as pieces of eight. Joshamee Gibbs explains in At World's End that the lords believed this sounded more piratical than, "the nine pieces of whatever we happened to have in our pockets at the time".

After binding Calypso, the seas came under pirate exploitation. The pirate lords were established as means of controlling piracy in their respected territories. The First Court also produced the first pirate king, though after his death, there came none else. The age of when the First Court met seems to be centuries before the events of the films, when piracy existed even then and when the early pagan peoples of Earth believed in gods and goddess. What caused the Second Brethren Court to convene is unknown, although it was when the Pirata Codex was set forth by Morgan and Bartholomew and is know as the "dawn of piracy". Nothing is known about the Third Brethren Court, except that it ended badly.

The Brethren Court makes no appearance in the first two films of the trilogy. Its only appearance is in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. However, in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, it is loosely referenced by frequent characters.

The Curse of the Black Pearl

In the film, Elizabeth Swann first mentions the Code when she calls for her right to evoke parley. She clarifies that the Code was brought forth by Morgan and Bartholomew and demands to see Hector Barbossa whose crew was currently plundering the fictional version of Port Royal. When he meets her, he refuses to let her go on land again after she boarded the Black Pearl. She exclaims that he must keep to the Code, but Barbossa interrupts by saying that the Code is "more like guidelines than actual rules." This is how most of the Brethren feel. The right to parley is often evoked by other pirates in the films as a running gag.

At World's End

The Fourth Brethren Court makes its appearance in At World's End. The film begins during a mass execution by hanging of persons accused of piracy or associating with persons accused of piracy. Lord Cutler Beckett presides over the executions on behalf of the East India Trading Company These hangings occur as the result of the state of emergency declared in this unknown port town suspending all rights to habeas corpus, trial by jury and other rights of the then modern justice system. The victims of these hangings begin to sing "Hoist the Colours" to alert the Brethren Court of the executions. Lord Beckett reveals that this was the goal of the executions as he wished to force the Brethren Court to convene so he could destroy it.

In the meantime, Hector Barbossa and Elizabeth Swann meet with pirate lord Sao Feng to inform him that the song has been called. They then engage in a battle with the East India Trading Co.'s Royal Navy men who arrived to stamp out piracy in Singapore. During the time, Beckett ponders about the nine pieces of eight on board his ship-of-the-line, Endeavour, as he comes to feel that their may be something at the Brethren's disposal against him and Davy Jones and his Flying Dutchman. Beckett later betrays Sao Feng, who was promised the Black Pearl and who believed that Beckett had the greater advantage against the Brethren. Jack Sparrow makes a deal with Beckett that he will bring the pirates from Shipwreck Cove to Beckett if he frees him from Jones' judgment. Jack flees with the Pearl, much to Beckett's dismay, and Feng flees with Elizabeth, believing her to be Calypso.

Later, the Flying Dutchman attacks the Empress and kills Sao Feng in the process. In his last words, he names Elizabeth as his successor as the Lord of the South China Sea and captain of his ship. He then asks her, for forgiveness, and dies. When the Pearl arrives at Shipwreck Cove for the Court, Barbossa reminds Tia Dalma that she returned him from death and helped retrieve Jack so for him to have all the pieces of eight to free her from her human bonds. It is later, after the Pearl enters the fortress, that the Fourth Brethren Court is finally convened by Barbossa. He collects the "pieces of eight" and tells Ragetti to hide them. Elizabeth then enters the scene, proclaiming her new status a requesting that they fight, causing an uproar. Barbossa then proceeds to say that it was a great error to have imprisoned Calypso, for all this did was "open the door to Beckett and his ilk". Jack comes out and stands with Elizabeth to fight the Company, and when she is elected pirate king (thanks to Jack Sparrow's tie-breaking vote), war is declared.

After the Court, the pirates come out to face the East India Trading Company which arrives with a massive armada. Elizabeth, Barbossa and Jack approach Beckett, Will and Jones in parley. Beckett reveals Sparrow as the "architect" of the plan to bring the pirates out and is traded for Will by Elizabeth. After acquiring Jack's "piece of eight", Barbossa joins the other pieces and Ragetti releases Calypso, believing she will aid them against the Company. She "curse" them in her "native tongue", transforms into crabs and disappears. Elizabeth positions herself high over the crowd of pirates and gives an emotional speech, motivating them to make their final stand. They "hoist the colours" and advance to war. The Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman then proceed as flagships for their sides and enter into the monstrous maelstrom made by Calypso. Calypso decided to remain neutral in the war, aiding not the Brethren nor the Company. After the epic battle, Will has "killed" Jones and taken his place, but the Dutchman sinks, leaving only the Pearl afloat. Jack orders that they will continue to fight, despite the Company's massive armada in front. Beckett, seeing the Pearl on its own, orders to advance the Endeavour to destroy the ship. It is now that the Dutchman arises, joins forces with the Pearl, and both surround the Endeavour. They fire their cannons away non-stop, splintering the ship around Beckett. They then penetrate the Endeavours powder magazine, and the ship is blasted apart in the resulting explosion. Beckett's body is then seen falling onto the burnt flag of the Company, symbolism of its defeat. The pirates then rejoice as the Royal Navy armada retreats.

The Brethren is the fictional pirates governing body representing piracy and the common pirate at seas. Thus, it exists to maintain the safety and existence of the state of piracy. This is why the Courts are convened; to solve the issues at hand. The structure of the pirate government is mostly unorganized and chaotic, which is why the Pirata Codex was created by Morgan and Bartholomew to help the Court resolve matters without slaughter. The Pirata Codex is the Brethren's "law book" containing their "guidelines". If disobeyed or cursed upon, severe punishment follows, though many disregard it. This seemingly proves the government's lack of enforcing the word of the Codex throughout the pirates.

Headquarters for the Brethren Court lie on Shipwreck Island, at the heart of Shipwreck Cove, within Shipwreck City. Jack Sparrow confides that pirates are an unimaginative lot when it comes to naming things. The court meets in a chamber created from the hull of a wrecked ship, The first king was elected in the First Brethren Court. Since then, there had been no other king until the events throughout At World's End. The reason behind this is that every pirate lord usually votes for himself. Furthermore, war may only be declared by the king and none else as stated in the Pirata Codex. Nothing further is known about the king though it has been suggested that the kings live at Shipwreck Cove.

The Pirate Lords of the Brethren Court who fall under the influence of the king. They are nine pirate captains who run a systemic governance over their respective territories. Their titles are solely based on the seas of which the govern. The lords are the fiercest of the pirates around and the most strong to survive in the harsh world of piracy.

II. The captain of a ship is to be elected by a majority vote of its crew. If any time a crew, with sufficient evidence, finds their captain to be lacking in ability or offensive in nature, a new captain may be freely elected amongst the ship's members. The captain shall be made aware of the situation and will graciously step aside, assuming another position on the crew. Failure to follow this procedure will be deemed mutiny.

III. Any pirate who has suffered an injury from pillaging, plundering, hijacking, swashbuckling, or other pirate duties shall receive compensation for the wound from common stock.

Compensation shall be as follows, in pieces of eight:

*Loss of right arm: 800

*Loss of left arm: 750

*Loss of right leg: 500

*Loss of left leg: 400

*Fight wound: 100

*Loss of eye: 200 (although Ragetti got 300.)

*Loss of ear: 30 Ducats

*Loss of finger: 100

*Trigger finger: 200

*Pinky finger: Life be cruel, mate

In the event of the loss of a limb, the surgeon or carpenter may be able to restore lost appendages with what is best suited. Spare planks or other miscellaneous items found onboard may be rigged as a makeshift prosthetic. If injury is dehabilitating to the point of preventing a pirate from performing his duties as an able-bodied seaman, the quartermaster will provide a new assignment. Replacement limbs lost on duty should be compensated at no less than half-cost of natural limbs.

IV.Every member shall have an equal share of fresh provisions, however they may be acquired, and may take pleasure in such provisions at will, except in times of scarcity. Until said scarcity is voted over, it is necessary for the common good of the crew to adhere to rations. Anyone who takes more than his equal share of provisions at any time shall be marooned.
Any Pirate susceptible of eating any foodstuff rendered pernicious shall see the ship surgeon post haste.

V. Each man shall keep his weapon, whether it be a cutlass, sword, pistol, or other piece, clean at all times and ready for action.

VI.If a pirate is the first to locate a prize and should find among this plunder a weapon that is better than his own, he may take it as his own. The rest of the items will be chosen in turn with the captain first, master second, and so forth in seniority. Ship's musicians may lay claim to nay instruments found among the spoils.

VII.No pirate shall strike another while onboard the ship. In the event of such an occurrence, the quarrel shall be resolved on the shore by a pistol, sword, or in another agreed upon manner as deemed by the captain. Limbs or other body parts lost in duel are not to be compensated as those lost in battle.

VIII.No man shall game for money in any form, whether it be with cards, dice, crab claws, barnacles, or any other means.

IX.Lights and candles must be suffed out of eight o'clock. If any man desires to drink after such time, he shall do so on the open deck without lights.

X.No man shall smoke tobacco in the hold without cap to his pipe ot hold a candle without lantern shield. If he is discovered doing so, he shall receive such punishment as the captain and company see fit.

XI.All musicians shall have their only day of rest on the Sabbath. Any other day, musical pirates shall be granted leisure time only by favour of the captain or quartermaster.

XII.Every member of the crew shall be allowed a shift of clothes. These may be obtained by plundering, stealing, or borrowing.

XIII.If a pirate is captured by an enemy ship, he has the right to declare parlay, or temporary protection, until he may have an audience with the enemy captain. At this point, he cannot be harmed. Parlay is not considered concluded until said captives and captains have completed negotiations.

XIV.The captain shall have two shares of a prize. The quartermaster shall have one-and-three-quarter shares. The surgeon shall have one-and-one-half shares. The master gunner, carpenter, sailmaker, and boatswain shall receive one-and-one-quarter shares. All others shall have one share each. The company may vote to temporarily withhold the cook's share should his food kill a shipmate.

XV. He who falls behind shall be left behind.

XVI.Take what you can, give nothing back.

All tenets revealed in At World's End
Two tenets were revealed in the third movie, and five more tenets were revealed during a brief close-up on one of the pages of the Codex. However, the entirety of the tenets could not be seen do to the edge of the screen, Jack's finger, and poor handwriting. Some of the missing wording of the tenets were revealed during a similar close-up in one of the DVD's special features, although one was spoken b the narrator in different wording.

I. The pirate king is elected by popular vote among the pirate lords.

II. An act of war can only be declared by the pirate king.

III. To become a pirate lord, one must be captain of a ship, must sware by the Code, and must have killed a man.

Article six ~ Our Lords and our King

I. No man or otherwise shall be considered worthy of holding the... captained ??? for faire proffets. Slaine a manne and boldly, not cowardly so in the last... Obliged himself to obide by 3 Articles of Agreement.

II. A pirate lord shall hand down his piece of eight to his successor... of the nine seas.

III. The Brethren Court may not declare war upon an enemy or... on the election of the pirate king.

IV. It shall be the duty of the pirate king... our combined forces, or parley, or make peace within...

V. The king shall serve as the chief ???, and fleet captain... and warfare, which shall...

Fourth Brethren Court
The following are the main figures of the Fourth Brethren Court.

Pirate king
Elizabeth Swann

Elizabeth Swann is the Pirate Lord of the South China Sea and Pirate King of the Brethren Court. She inherited her pirate lordship from Sao Feng, who gave her his piece of eight (a necklace with jade carved into in a monkey's fist) after he was mortally wounded. Swann and her crew arrived late to the Court, at which time she announced Sao Feng's death and her new status. During the Court, she was elected king with a combination of her and Sparrow's votes. Elizabeth promptly declared war against the East India Trading Company. At the conclusion of At World's End, it was unclear if Elizabeth maintained her positions from the Brethren Court, as she had raised her and Will's son.

Her ship is the 15-cannon junk Empress which she inherited from Sao Feng carrying a Jolly Roger, based on that of Thomas Tew.

She is portrayed by Keira Knightley.

Pirate lords
Ammand the Corsair is the Turkish Pirate Lord of the Black Sea who flourished during the golden age of piracy among the Barbary Corsairs. During the Fourth Brethren Court, he was one of the lords who strongly disagreed in freeing Calypso from her human form. His ultimate fate is unknown, but it is known that the Third Court ended badly.

Pirata Codex
Keeper of the Pirata Codex
Edward Teague

Edward Teague, is Jack Sparrow's father and the Keeper of the Pirata Codex. Said to be a more "stay at home in the castle" pirate, He resigned his status to gain his current one. The lordship of Madagascar can be considered defunct.

Teague's ship is the galleon Misty Lady. Teague is portrayed by Keith Richards, who is cited as a partial inspiration for Johnny Depp's character.

Carriers of the Pirata Codex

The Carriers of the Pirata Codex are the two servants for the Keeper of the Pirata Codex. They hold a position that can only be left by mortal demise, their death. The two fictional elderly men make their first appearance in At World's End after Barbossa calls forth the Codex.

Other Jolly Rogers
Other Jolly Rogers were seen in the trailers, featurettes, affiliated writings and previews of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. They were not given respective characters in the film, or at least, they made no appearance.
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