Piero Vaccari

Piero Vaccari last true Post Macchiaioli teen still explodes to Livorno being the protagonist of the film of 1954 of the Director Giuliano Biagetti Ragazze al mare. Behind this sudden notoriety began his career as a painter, lasted until his death in 1997. Member of the Leghorn group begins his acquaintances in Group and solo exhibitions. Piero Vaccari engages also in sculpture and engraving but its true nature of artist shows up in the open air, in fact it was not hard to meet the painter at the corners of the pinewoods of Livorno to portray marine pines and update an aesthetic of portrait a Livorno besieged by wind of Libeccio and from the wild sea disappeared over time. His presence at the Premio Rotonda of Ardenza dates from the early editions and the frequency of visits and the friendship with Mario Borgiotti dated over time. In Premio Rotonda there is a prize in his name that is assigned by the jury.
The bust of Armando Picchi in the entrance hall of the stadium dedicated to the great footballer is his creation.
In 2000 The bust of Diego Martelli was exposed in the Park of the Castello Pasquini di Castigioncello.
Distinguished and sober cycling exploring the canals of rio Ardenza suitable for his painting; pulling out the classic car seat how to stand for hours was intent to the preparation of his paintings. One of the many admirers was Giotto Ciardi, hero of the second world war, he met at the Baracchina Rossa Ardenza mentioned in the book of short stories "Toscana ... Cave Canem fra mito e realtà" by Bastogi of Lilly Brogi. The latest study pictorial artist was located at Casini Gran Ducali of Ardenza]]. Piero Vaccari remains cornerstone of that gloriouspainting is painting Macchiaiola built with love and sacrifice good men of which remains one of the last examples.
* Exhibition Il Movimento Labronico Centro d'arte Moderna, Pisa, 2006
* Exhibition Dipinti toscani dal Novecento ai contemporanei Galleria Antiquaria Cesare Fasoli, Roma, 2007
* Exhibition Collettiva d'arte pro A.G.B.A.L.T Fondazione Lepori Giobatta, Livorno, 2011
* Exhibition 66° Mostra del Gruppo Labronico Centro espositivo di San Michele degli Scalzi, Pisa, 2016
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