Parametric innovation

Parametric innovation is a process based on algorithmic thinking that enables innovation through the expression of parameters and rules that, together, define, encode and clarify the possible scope of solutions.
By providing an area where innovation can happen, innovators can evaluate the solution's diversity
Evolution vs Disruption
In this paradigm evolution occurs when the parameter values change, whereas disruption introduces a new set of parameters.
An example of the evolution process is presented in the article "Innovation by numbers"
Parameters nature
Two kinds of parameters should be distinguished :
* End parameters: describe the end goals
* Mean parameters: describe the means to reach the end goals
Establishing parameters and distinguishing between the end and the means are critical to the process.
"The faster horse" story of the invention of the car is a great example of confusing means and end. Faster transportation is the end. One of the means to reach this end could be to improve the speed of the horse. However there are physical limits to the speed of a horse can go and also trade-offs between its endurance and its speed.
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