
Phronemophobia (Greek form of thinking) is known as a fear of thinking and being left alone with your thoughts. The most known cause of Phronemophobia is the thought of fearful thoughts which result in crying, stress, extreme panic, nausea, sweating, air hunger, and trembling. The type of thought that is most known to trigger this fear is a traumatic experience, but this isn't the only thing that is known to trigger this fear; being left alone with scary or realistic thoughts may also cause this. Although medication can't cure phobias, they can still be prescribed to help out with different factors of Phronemophobia. Currently, Phronemophobia does not have a known cure, so it is strong encouraged to get a hold of therapy if Phronemophobia is being experienced.
Phronemophobia is known to have developed in two ways, either by genetics or self-developed by a tragic or traumatic moment/experience. The traumatic moment can lead to thoughts that harm you emotionally such as worrying about upcoming events and fleeing the situation. This can also harm you physically, as the side effects such as fainting and hot and cold flashes are quite severe. Mental symptoms such as obsessive and repetitive thoughts also have a huge effect on Phronemophobia and can keep you from performing your regular way of life and can also affect your everyday thinking.
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