
What is Rupophobia?:
It is the uncontrollable, or overwhelming fear of dirt, trash or rubbish. Usually in relation to the dirt of the earth or ground. Most suffers do not walk outside for fear of getting their feet dirty.
The rupophobic individual may have a paralyzing fear of personal filth and/or of being contaminated by filth. At it's most extreme, the person coping with this phobia may compulsively clean themselves, their home and their belongings. Which this can lead into the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder of hand washing.
Also know as Mysophobia, Rupophobia has it's origins in Greek. The word derives from "rhypos", meaning filth and "phobos" meaning fear.
What Causes?:
As is the case with all phobias the suffer as experienced some tragic event. That trauma is then automatically and consistently associated with dirt, filth and contamination.
Possibly it was their über clean parents or something they saw on the television. As we all know the t.v. is quite influential these days.
Whatever the cause, the rupophobic person can experience anxiety and emotional turmoil that is completely disruptive to their ability to function on a daily basis.
What are the Symptoms?:
Even though it varies from person to person the most common symptoms are:
Sweating, Nausea, and or an uncomfortable feeling.
In the extreme end they might feel crippling anxiety/ panic attacks.
The other symptoms of Rupophobia are:
Heart Palpitations
Heightened Senses
Feeling Dizzy
Muscle Tension
Rapid Heartbeat
Feeling Out of Control
Feeling Trapped and Unable to Escape
Overwhelming Feeling of Anticipated Disaster
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