Phil and Lil DeVille

Phillip "Phil" DeVille and Lillian "Lil" DeVille are the twins from the Nickelodeon shows Rugrats and ', and are among the series' original characters.
Phil and Lil are voiced by Kath Soucie, who also does the voice of their mother Betty. Phil Proctor voiced their father, Howard.
Phil and Lil are the only primary twin characters portrayed in the series, who both share multiple similarities in personality and physical appearance; both of them possess an appalling love of the consumption of earthworms, insects, and dirt and a fascination with the disgusting, albeit Lil is portrayed as being somewhat more ladylike than her brother (but only to a certain extent) and has been repulsed by Phil's antics before in the past. However, despite these similarities they are prone to bickering, and during their constant bouts of quarreling they have been known to address one another by their full given names. However, they are also quite adventurous and playful, much more so than Chuckie Finster, and, like Tommy Pickles they often must motivate him with the required prodding before he reluctantly participates in one of the babies' explorations.
==All Grown Up!==
Before ', a few Rugrats stories touched on attempts to either differentiate the twins personality-wise ("Twins Pique", 1993"), or physically separate them (Together at Last", 1992).
However, separating the twins only got serious in the new spin-off. Its premiere, "Coupe DeVille" (first US tx: April 12, 2003), was focused on the twins. Lil strongly retaliated at being paired with Phil on a science project, as well as being treated "like a single package" with Phil, and even refused a trip to Twins Canyon with her family on that principle. This episode also repeated the "Lil is older" fact from the original series, and also revealed Lil to have an even longer name than was previously let on: Lillian Marie Jill DeVille. Lil moved to a separate bedroom in this episode.
Since then, the twins have evolved distinctly different personalities. Although she loves her brother, Lil is embarrassed by Phil at times. Phil is still fascinated repulsive objects (although he is beyond eating worms and insects, he once won a science fair by growing mold on cheese and socks). This does not seem to affect his hygiene though, and his friends like his curiosity with things that are gross. He also has been referred to as "socially inept", despite seeming to have a lot of friends. Lil, on the other hand, is beginning to find interest in boys and becoming to be more social (particularly, being able to fit among the "cooler" ones). She she has also picked up an interest in fashion and sports, particularly soccer, a sport that Phil also enjoys, but is not as good as Lil.
In the episode "A DeVille House Divided," Phil had a brief romance with Wally, a fellow soccer teammate and friend of Lil's.
Referencing their toddlerhood when their favorite thing was to eat worms, Phil & Lil's favorite dish in All Growed Up is spaghetti.
In the episode Susie Goes Bad Lite, it is revealed that Phil is a very good cook.
Despite being major characters, their role in "All Grown Up!" was noticeably smaller than in Rugrats.
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