Icons is a flash cartoon series produced by Braintree Studios revolving around the comedic exploits of the characters Tree, Mike, and Cuba. There are currently five episodes in the series, ranging from just a few minutes in length to over 10 minutes long. Created by Aaron Morse, Icons combines the witty dialogues of clerks with random pop culture references similar to family guy, while also relying upon situational humor and the stupidity of the main characters.
The first episode of the series was released on Newgrounds on August 8 2005, which quickly became popular, being viewed over 114,966 times. The 5 Icons episodes & 3 shorts have been viewed more than 820,000 times on Newgrounds alone.
The series often takes place at but is not limited to a fictional suburban neighborhood, in Tree's and Mike's house.
Prominent Characters * Tree - One of the two main characters of the series, With the attitude of a laid back pot head, Tree is an avid gamer who shares a house with his room-mate Mike. He works in a video store as a customer service rep. He hates most people and thinks they're retarded, having the IQs of radishes, so he can be quite the sarcastic one. Every now and again Tree doesn't really think before he speaks, and can end up saying the weirdest things you'll ever hear. Oh yeah, and he loves exploding children...The more exploding children the better...
* Mike - One of the two main characters of the series, Mike is a computer geek who works at a grocery store. He gets his fair share of dealing with annoying people, so it gets him very angry, so much so that he tends to go on rants about all the crazy stuff that bugs him. Whether it be crying children, or old people, they're annoying and he hates them.
*The Little Girl - Her purpose in life is to annoy every movie goer with incessant questions that little kids ask...Then eventually have her head explode for reasons unknown
*Cuba - Cuba is one hard headed Jerk, with a love for Star Wars. No one knows where Cuba works or even if he works, or even where he lives. He just likes to pop up from time to time uninvited to antagonize Mike and Tree, put them down, then disappear into the wilderness like the koala looking muppet he is.
*Kelly - Once Tree's girlfriend, she had a short lived camio in episode 2. She then broke up with Tree in episode 3 to be later killed off and replaced by nobody.