Peter Mt. Shasta (born September 29, 1944) is an American author of meditation books. Some of his earliest writing is referenced in Mount Shasta: An Annotated Bibliography by William C. Miesse. He was interviewed by Emilie Frank in her book Mount Shasta: California's Mystic Mountain. He is further mentioned by Madeline Duntley in her article Spiritual Tourism and Frontier Esotericism at Mount Shasta. According to his autobiographical writings, he was born in Florida and raised in New York State. He explored mysticism in India. After returning from spending time with Ram Dass, Neem Karoli Baba, and Sathya Sai Baba in India, he met a person in Muir Woods, California who allegedly revealed himself to be the Ascended Master Saint Germain and directed him to Mt Shasta California, where he met his spiritual teacher Pearl Dorris. Pearl instructed him further in the “teachings of the Ascended Masters.” He also studied Buddhism under Chogyam Trungpa and met numerous other spiritual teachers. Publications * Search for the Guru: Adventures of a Western Mystic, Book I. (2016) . * Apprentice to the Masters: Adventures of a Western Mystic, Book II. 3rd edition (2016) . * My Search in Tibet for the Secret Wish-Fulfilling Jewel. (2017) . * Lady Master Pearl, My Teacher (2015) . * "I AM" The Open Door: Ascended Master Discourses (Transmitted to Peter Mt. Shasta) Pearl Publishing (1978). 2nd edition (2017) . * "I AM Affirmations and the Secret of their Effective Use (2012) * "I AM" The Living Christ: Teachings of Jesus Edited by Peter Mt. Shasta. (2017) * I AM the Violet Tara, Goddess of Forgiveness and Freedom (2019) * It Is What It Is, Further Adventures of a Western Mystic (2019)