Peter Gandy (author)

Peter Gandy is a British author who focuses on mysticism, particular the mystery religions. He holds an M.A. in classical civilization and is known mainly for his books, co-authored with Timothy Freke, which argue that Jesus is a purely mythical construct.
Publishers Weekly called The Jesus Mysteries, (1999) which Gandy co-authored, a "wonderful and terribly flawed book." In the book, Gandy and co-author, Timothy Freke, argue that Christian history is covering up its true origins.
Gandy co-authored another book with Timothy Freke, The Laughing Jesus, in 2005. The book also deals with what the authors perceive as an inaccurate history of religion. The book ends with a "Philosophical Workout" that Library Journal felt would appeal to those who see "themselves as spiritual rather than religious."<ref name=":1" />
Books by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy
* The Complete Guide to World Mysticism (1998)
* The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs (1998)
* The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers (The Wisdom of the World) (1999)
* The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God? (1999)
* Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians (2002)
* The Laughing Jesus: Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom (2005)
* The Gospel of the Second Coming (2007)
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