Peter Conners

Peter Conners
Peter Conners (born September 11, 1970 in Rochester, New York) is the author of several collections of poetry and fiction.
Conners is founding co-editor of Double Room: A Journal of Prose Poetry & Flash Fiction, which is a biannual literary publication founded in 2002 to explore the intersection of prose poetry and flash fiction. Double Room publishes work by popular poets and writers, as well as talented newcomers.
Peter Conners works as Editor and Marketing Director for BOA Editions, which is a non-profit publisher of poetry and other literary works, benefiting not only authors, but also the community through annual book donations. BOA Editions, Ltd. is the recipient of a 2001 New York State Governor's Arts Award for overall artistic excellence, among other awards, the only New York State not-for-profit literary publisher to receive such an honor.
His writing appears regularly in such journals as Poetry International, Mississippi Review, Brooklyn Rail, Fiction International, Salt Hill, Hotel Amerika, Mid-American Review, The Bitter Oleander, and Beloit Fiction Journal.
In addition to his writing talent, Mr. Conners is a creative guitarist/musician, having played a part in numerous upstate New York bands, including Fathead Minnow and Wigglefoot. He also used to hide things in his previously immense afro-style hair.
Edited Work
*PP/FF: An Anthology (Starcherone Books, 2006)
*Emily Ate the Wind (Marick Press, 2008)
*Growing Up Dead: The Hallucinated Confessions of a Teenage Deadhead (Da Capo Press, 2009)
Poetry Collections
*Of Whiskey and Winter (White Pine Press, 2007)
*The Crows Were Laughing in their Trees (White Pine Press, 2011)
*White Hand Society: The Psychedelic Partnership of Timothy Leary & Allen Ginsberg (City Lights Publishers, 2010) ISBN 978-0872865358
Peter Conners has also completed a pair of music-based novels, as well as the screenplay for his acclaimed memoir, Growing Up Dead.
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