Pesalaccia is a family name from Italy. The first reference of Pesalaccia is from the city of Corridonia before 1895. This family was part of the Italian diaspora, started after the Italy unification. Name Variants There are name variations commonly related to transliterations to local pronunciation. - Italy (origin): Pesalaccia - Brazil: Pessalácia - Others: Pesallaccia. Meaning of Pesalaccia There is no reference about the meaning. Genealogical Tree The genealogical tree is under construction and you can see part of it here. Contributions are welcome. Descendants in Brazil According to "Memorial do Imigrante" museum , the first Pesalaccia arrived in Brazil in May 14, 1895 , by ship S. Gottardo . The italians imigrants were: * Vincenzo Pesalaccia - family head - 50 years-old * Annunciata Pesalaccia - mother - 51 years-old * Amilcare Pesalaccia - son - 15 years-old * Davide Pesalaccia - son - 13 years-old