Personal Taxonomy

Personal Taxonomy (c. July, 2005) is a concept for organization of private information or an application of ontology. Personal Taxonomy as a subject is in the midst of shaping the information of individuals, before they attain the state colloquially known as "the technological singularity preceding the development of the transhuman self."

Personal Taxonomy Application of Information Defined
To breakdown individual pieces of information structure using causality, dates and events for filing of historical artifacts associated with the self. Then crossing over to sweep data related to the self from multiple axes of measurement. The thorough combination of elemental axial views may be used to develop the taxonomic boundaries. Extents of range though are also limited by the individual application of tools available or skills embodied via the actualization learned then translated.

Date Based Information
Currently coding and ranking is the main emphasis with year precedent ahead of month and day.

Epiphany and self actualization still is best with date and rank, but removed to its own notebook of sorts. Blogging may in the future have added meta data to unveil these events affecting a psyche with subsequent conveyance to others.

Event Based Information
Upon date and rank completion, identification by type of event with divisions between self actualization for autobiography cites to relationships or social occasions.

Geographic location combined with date, mode, rank and
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