Perpetuelle is a social networking website for watch owners, collectors and enthusiasts launched into beta in fall of 2008. is named after the world's first self-winding (automatic) watch, the perpetuelle, invented in 1770 by Abraham-Louis Perrelet for pocket watches but perfected in the late 18th century by famous watchmaker Breguet. was favorably reviewed by iW (International Watch) magazine, the leading monthly magazine for watch aficionados (monthly circulation 63,000), in its December 2008 issue.
The core of are the watch forums, including general and brand-specific forums. Participation in the community is free, and the site's easy-to-use, image- and video-friendly watch forums are fully viewable without having to log in or register for the site. is the only online watch community with video capabilities fully integrated into its forums. But, Perpetuelle is more than just a forum on watches. Perpetuelles Watch Library features a collection of watches from various watch brands and their technical specifications. In addition, all registered Members are granted unrestricted access to their very own set of features - available exclusively at - including:
*Watch Box - a virtual repository of photos and images of Members' watches.'s Watch Box feature is a way for Members to upload images and photos of their watch or watch collections.
*Wish List - Members can create and manage a list of their favorite and desired watches.
*Photo Gallery" - Members can store their watch photos.
*Friends - similar to other social networking sites, Members can maintain a list of their friends that they meet on Perpeteulle's watch forums.
These features - developed specifically for watch owners, collectors & enthusiasts - are all fully integrated into the site's brand and theme-specific discussion watch forums. also features a dedicated “Watch Reviews” section where Members can add their own watch reviews as well as rate and comment on watch reviews posted by other Members
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