Pec Indman

Pec Indman, Ed.D., MFT is a licensed marriage and family therapist. She has a master's degree in Counseling and Health Psychology, and a Doctorate in Counseling. Dr. Indman trained as a family practice physician assistant at Johns Hopkins University and worked in family practice and women's health care. She has a private practice in San Jose, California
and specializes in prenatal and postpartum mood disorders and issues related to reproductive health. Dr. Indman is a trainer for Postpartum Support International, and the former secretary of California's state organization Postpartum Health Alliance. She provides training and lectures all over the country. She has worked with several Federally funded programs to provide education about prenatal and postartum mood disorders. One project is

Selected works

* Beyond the Blues, ISBN 0-9717124-3-3 (written with Shoshana S. Bennett, Ph.D.)
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