Pari Ravan

Pari Ravan (born March 8, 1942, in Abadan, Iran) is an Iranian romantic surrealist artist and painter, currently based in Southern France.
She graduated from the Tehran University of Art. At age 17 years old, Pari Ravan moved to Germany, eventually attended the School of Applied Arts in Mainz. From 1975 to 1979 she was a student of Baruch Elron, an Israeli painter of fantasy surrealism.
She has won numerous international art awards in Iran, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, China and her works have been shown at various international exhibitions in Germany, USA, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy, France, Austria, Japan, China.
Her paintings, frescoes and sculptures are among others in museums and well-known art collections worldwide, as well as privately owned.
The artist lives and works in southern France.
* "Who's who Art club international", Genf (Switzerland)
* Conseil National Français des Arts Plastique (C.N.F.A.P) UNESCO
* International Society for Art of Imagination, London (England)
* Comité National Monegasque de l'association internationale des arts plastiques , UNESCO
* ADAGP societé des auteurs dans les arts graphiques et plastiques
* Concordia patrimoine et culture/ France
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