
Papulankutja Artists, or Blackstone Artists, is an artist cooperative, owned and operated by Aboriginal people from the Western Desert of Australia. The group is known for its innovative work with the Western Desert Art Movement. The company operates today out of Blackstone in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands and is a producer of innovative fine Indigenous art in Central Australia.
Papulankutja Artists are known as leaders in Australian Indigenous fibre work , painting and wood carvings. Fibre artists from Papulankutja took the 2005 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award with a full-size woven Toyota four-wheel drive truck. Papulankutja Artists strive for everybody working together with a strong heart. Themes explored include; country, Seven Sisters, also known as the Pleiades, Wati Kutjarra (Two Men), IIlupa and Nintuka Monitor lizard.
In 2009 Anthony Spry moved from Balgo to begin managing the art centre in Blackstone.
Papalunkutja Artists
Cliff Reid,
Tjayanka Woods,
Anmanari Brown,
Carlton Reid,Freb Forbes
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