Pamela Jones (NASA)

Pamela (Jones) Solomon was the head of the Program Services Department for the Lunar and Planetary Institute which is supported by funding from NASA. She has been involved in organising their regular Lunar and Planetary Science Conferences since near inception in the 1970s.
She has also been involved with other conferences. She served in the program committee for Conference on the Origin of the Moon in 1984 and as part her role in the Program Services Department, was involved in the organisation of workshops for the scientific community sponsored by the Lunar and Planetary Institute such as one about differences between antarctic and non-antarctic meteorites held in Austria in 1989 and the Snowbird II conference related to global catastrophies in 1988.
* The asteroid 4852 Pamjones was named in her honor in 1992 for "her organization of many conferences and contributions to planetary science"
* She was also voted as life member at the Meteoritical Society in 1993.
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