
Pagely is a Web Hosting Service, which is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. It is a privately held company which utilizes Amazon Web Services in the United States, the United Kingdom and geographical regions across the world.
Pagely was founded in 2009 in Phoenix, Arizona by Joshua and Sally Strebel. At that time, Pagely was the only company offering managed WordPress hosting services for WordPress powered websites. It has since grown to over 30 employees. In September 2013 Josh Eichorn assumed the role of CTO and Sean Tierney assumed the role of Director of Sales and Marketing.
It is now primarily a distributed company, with remote staff located across the United Stated and abroad.
In 2013 they acquired a competitor, Blogdroid.
The company's products include a web hosting service and a managed dedicated server.
PressCACHE is a network of DNS routed cache nodes designed to serve WordPress page output. PressDNS is latency and geographical targeted routing which works with the PressCACHE system to route requests, at the DNS level, to global cache nodes. PressCDN is for photos, images, and static assets served from a network of servers. PressARMOR is security architecture developed by Pagely.
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