Pío López Obrador

Pío López Obrador (born May 21, 1959 is a Mexican politician (Morena) and the younger brother of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).
Pío López Obrador was born on May 21, 1959, in Tepetitán, Tabasco, México. The words “quí te traigo 400” ("Here I bring you 400") can be heard. He said he "did not know if the cash had been reported to the electoral authorities as a campaign contribution," and that his brother and David León must clarify the situation. He expressed his own willingness to testify. offered 21 local mayors funding and protection from audits in exchange for joining Morena. after President Obrador announced his intention to cancel an ethane contract between PEMEX and Odebrecht's Braskem subsidiary that he believed corrupt. The contract came to light through Brazil's complex and sprawling Operation Car Wash, in which Odebrecht has played a key role. Odebrecht admitted to Swiss, Brazilian and US investigators in 2016 having paid $10.5 million in bribes to Mexican officials. A parallel succession of corruption scandals at PEMEX has included fuel theft from pipelines by Mexican cartels. On August 2, 2020, Mexican forces captured Jose Yepez, known as “El Marro”, leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, known for stealing fuel and for helping turn Guanajuato into one of the country’s most violent states, with more than 47 police officers killed last year.
Also on August 18, the president played a four-minute video purporting to show former officials counting and dividing large sums of cash: "Lopez Obrador showed the video during his daily press briefing, calling on the Attorney General to confirm whether it is part of the testimony of former Petroleos Mexicanos Chief Executive Emilio Lozoya -- who has accused former President Enrique Pena Nieto of ordering him to funnel bribes from Brazilian builder Odebrecht into the 2012 (Mexican) presidential campaign."
López Obrador came into office as a reformer vowing to end corruption. National Electoral Institute (INE) spokesman said INE will investigate two complaints filed by opposition parties about the video recordings.
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