
OpEdNews is a United States-based progressive/liberal news, antiwar activism, and opinion website founded in 2003. The site claims 200 to 800,000 unique visitors every month, having over 60,000 registered members. In November, 2010, technorati ranked OpEdNews.com among the top 100 blogs.
It is a hybrid news, community blog and article aggregation site that publishes opinion-based articles, news stories, and diaries while its mission, according to the site, is to "...provide a content management, social networking website that supports progressive communications resources and tools for activism and advocacy organizations." Being a news-source for many mainstream media, independent websites and blogs, OpedNews calls itself "a Drudge Report for progressives".
The site regularly features articles by journalists (including Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges), politicians (including US Senator Bernie Sanders), and commentators and activists (including Michael Moore) as well as first-time writers.
Editorial philosophy
OpEdNews goal is to be holistic, to cover politics, arts (movies, books, music, theater, etc.,) sciences, health, Mass media, business, technology, sports, travel, citizen journalism and various strange and unusual stuff.
OpEdNews uses a custom built content management system designed by founder Rob Kall, produced by populum.com. It includes features not found in other blog/media content management sites, such as an image search and insertion program that finds creative commons images and inserts them in content with attribution automatically included, a multi-level editing system that allows editors with different degrees of responsibility to access a queue of submitted articles and edit then accept or reject them.
Opednews is one of 4500 websites indexed by Google News.
Senior Editorial Board (see masthead):
* Rob Kall (Editor-in Chief)
* John Moffett
* Sheila Samples
* Linda Milazzo
* Meryl Ann Butler
* Walter Brasch
* Joan Brunwasser
* Josh Mitteldorf
* Scott Baker
* Jerry Policoff
* John Reed
A partial list of some of the thousands of writers on OpEdNews. Most post directly, though some have given permission to reprint.
* Paul Craig Roberts
* Jeff Cohen
* Medea Benjamin of Code Pink
* Marjorie Cohn
* Sibel Edmonds
* Bob Fitrakis
* Glen Ford
* Thom Hartmann
* Bev Harris
* Chris Hedges
* Earl Ofari Hutchinson
* Robert Jensen
* Congressman Dennis Kucinich
* Stephen Lendman
* Rabbi Michael Lerner
* Paul Rogat Loeb
* Ray McGovern
* Robert McElvaine
* Mike Malloy
* Mark Crispin Miller
* Ralph Nader
* Robert Naiman
* Senator Bernie Sanders
* Andrew Schmookler
* Cindy Sheehan
* Stephen Soldz
* David Swanson
* Nancy Tobi
* Dean Lawrence Velvel
* Mickey Z
* Kevin Zeese
* Kourosh Ziabari
* Dave Zirin
** Nominated 2008: "Best Political Blog"
Pillar Human Rights Award for International Persons of Conscience given July 29, 2013 to Opednews.com and editor in chief Rob Kall
Acceptance Speech by Rob Kall, upon receiving Pillar Human Rights Award
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