Olympic class starship

In the Star Trek fictional universe, Starfleet's Olympic class is a class of starship that makes its only featured appearance in an alternate future in Star Trek: The Next Generation ' s final episode, "All Good Things...". Olympic class starships function as hospital ships and are distinguished by a large, spherical primary hull attached to the curved engineering section. One large shuttlebay is located atop the engineering hull and opens toward the vessel's stern. The sphere is covered with portholes, lifeboats and a blue rectangular navigational deflector. The warp nacelles are attached to the secondary hull by backward-angled, upward-curving pylons. The general layout resembles the earlier, 22nd century .
File:Pasteur Model.jpg
In real life, the Olympic class was designed by Bill George of Industrial Light and Magic as depicted in the above image. He had built the model, which was based on an early design of the Enterprise by Gene Roddenberry and Matt Jeffries, in his spare time and named it Olympic class.
Known Olympic-class starships
;USS Biko (NCC-50331): Named for Steven Biko, the starship Biko was ordered to rendezvous with the Enterprise-D (TNG: "A Fistful of Datas").
;USS Nobel (NCC-55012): Named for Alfred Nobel, the starship Nobel is ordered by Admiral Marcus Holt of space station Deep Space Three to search for the missing USS Hera (NCC-62006) (TNG: "Interface").
; USS Pasteur (NCC-58925 / NCC-58928): Named for scientist Louis Pasteur, the starship Pasteur is commanded by Captain Beverly Picard in an alternate universe created by Q. It is destroyed in 2395 after being attacked by the Klingons in the Devron system.
The Olympic class is featured in several pieces of merchandise, such as a plastic model kit by Reshape and appears as a card in the Star Trek: Collectible Card Game. A model of the ship was included in volume 3 of the Star Trek series published by Furuta.
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