
Obelux Ltd designs, measures, and manufactures LED lights for different applications. The company was founded in 1997 by two professional men with a background in the teleoperators business.
The business sectors of Obelux Ltd can be divided into three main categories: aviation obstacle lights; architectural lighting; and forensic lighting. The major sector has been aviation obstacle lighting where from around 80 % of the company turnover is generated.
Architectural lighting, the second sector, has been growing in the past five years as LED technology has improved and public awareness of the possibilities of LEDs has risen. Obelux Ltd has many architectural lighting reference cases executed in Finland.
The third sector, forensic lighting has been developed to help both investigators and experts working at crime scenes, hospitals, and pathology departments. The company possesses a number of patents related to LEDs and it has delivered its products to over 50 countries worldwide.
Obelux Ltd is headquartered in Helsinki in Finland. In 2010, the company employs ten full-time employees and has an annual turnover of around two million euros. The main part of the staff is working with R&D.
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