
NyLon is the name of a virtual city consisting of New York and London. As the two cities seem to drift more and more together in a globalized world, having more in common with one another than with the rest of their American respective British hinterlands, the new composed name "NyLon" emerged as a viable description of this new reality on the ground. The term is often used by newspaper commentators on the both sides of the Atlantic, and has more recently gained acceptance as such.
It was often claimed that both cities share a cosmopolitan lifestyle, and their coming together was described as a "parallel world" or a "binary" infatuation, unrivaled by other places.
The geographical distance and the time zone difference confer the of the two places a special mystique. As New York indulges in night time glamour, London awakens to daytime chic. The bright lights of the New York catwalk match the fever of London’s iconic style.
The "NyLonians" are often described as "being urged to accessorize to sip cocktails in rooftop bars and sashay along the most celebrated streets in the world: Bond Street, Fifth Avenue, Portobello, Soho, Manhattan, Knightsbridge etc". Multifarious Nylon seems ultimately to be combination of slick, polished New York and cool, cultivated London. The columnist John Gapper recently described NyLon as:

NyLon is also part of the phenomenon of the city state. Coastal and entrepôt cities around the world are outgrowing the nations that contain them. Dubai and other Emirates states are reinventing themselves as financial centres and a token of Shanghai’s rapid growth was the appointment this week of Xi Jinping, one of the city’s leaders, to the ruling Chinese politburo

A "NyLon commuter" is someone who is sometimes described as "commuting between New York and London".

The prestigious British weekly The Observer has recently named NyLon as the "capital of the world"


* NyLon is the title of a monthly fashion magazine which figures articles on "self-willed sibling-cities New York and London"

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* (in German language)
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