Noureldien Hussein

Noureldien Hussein is a computer vision researcher. His research focuses on video analysis and applied machine learning. His research output is published at conferences of computer vision, such as CVPR and ICCV. He developed deep learning methods for understanding and recognizing human activities in videos. Examples of such methods are Timeception, published at CVPR 2019, and VideoGraph, published at the SGRL workshop of ICCV 2019. Also, he is an inventor and a holder of a few U.S. patents, such as and . He is also an author. In his book, Aspects of Time for Recognizing Human Activities, he discusses several neural network models for understanding human actions in videos.
During his undergraduate years, he was a contestant and winner at the Imagine Cup competition. In 2012, he led his team, Vivid, to win first place in the Windows Phone challenge. Besides, his team was the recipient of Imagine Cup Grant in its 2012 version, with an angel funding of fifty thousand US dollars.
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