
is a computer vision/image processing/machine vision resource web site started in 1996 by Robert Fisher of the University of Edinburgh. The motivation was the lack of a comprehensive set of tutorial resources covering the breadth of image analysis. CVonline was organised as a hierarchical collection of summaries of about 2000 core topics in computer vision, and had more than 850K front page accesses
by 2011 (with many more via search engine links).
With the success of , by 2011 about half of the content from CVonline was available there; however, CVonline still has several resources not found in :
# a list of image analysis books
# a list of many useful image and video test datasets
# a hierarchical structure that groups related topics
# about 1000 topics not contained in (2011)
The content of CVonline and its organization can be found in the following lists of computer vision and image processing related concepts, methods and approaches:
#List of machine vision applications
#List of image databases and indexing related concepts
#List of generic computer vision methods
#List of computer vision geometric feature extraction methods
#List of computer vision geometry and mathematics
#List of image physics related concepts
#List of image transformations and filters
#List of motion and time sequence analysis related concepts
#List of non-sequential realization methods
#List of image analysis object, world and scene representations
#List of image recognition and registration methods
#List of scene understanding methods for image analysis
#List of image sensor fusion, registration and planning methods
#List of image system models, calibration and parameter estimation methods
#List of visual learning related methods and concepts
#List of introductory visual neurophysiology concepts and methods
#List of image processing architectures & control structures
#List of introductory visual psychophysics/psychology
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