Machine Perception and Cognitive Robotics Laboratory

The MPCR is a research and educational facility in the Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences at Florida Atlantic University.
Machine perception is concerned with algorithms hardware that mimic the human mind's ability to perceive sight, sound and touch. This includes the fields of computer vision, machine hearing, and computer touch, as well as areas such as computational photography and cognitive science. Computer vision represents the ability of an algorithm to take in visual input, i.e. images and video, and respond with semantic information such as image class or action category. Machine perception will allow for greeter human computer interaction as machines become able to decode human intentions and feelings.
Cognitive robotics pertains to the use of robotic organisms to experimentally test cognitive theories in an embedded and embodied context. Low-cost mobile action/sensor networks (Wireless sensor network) in the form of wireless rovers enable the study of emergent group behaviors such as schooling, shoaling, a. swarming. Using these tools we are exploring simple cognitive structures that facilitate goal oriented group cooperation for tasks such as collaborative mapping and search and rescue.
The MPCR Lab is a team of creative scientists, programmers, and engineers to build bridges between disciplines and develop novel hardware and software environments that allow the exploration of the intersection of perception, computation, and robotics.
Published Research
Hahn, William Edward, et al. "Deep learning human actions from video via sparse filtering and locally competitive algorithms." Multimedia Tools and Applications 74.22 (2015): 10097-10110.
Lab Members
* Elan Barenholtz
* William Hahn
* Stephanie Lewkowitz
* Daniel C. LaCombe, Jr.
* Chad Carlson
* Mohammed Islam
* Yunier Nieves
* Washington Garcia
* Michael Kleiman
* Dustin Cox
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