North to Amaroqvik

North to Amaroqvik is a Christian novel written by Cheryl M. Ufkin and published through Accelerated Christian Education.
The story follows a young pilot, Andy, who is trying to deliver food and medicine to a fictitious village in Northern Canada named Amaroqvik. During the flight, his plane crashes and is stranded in the wilderness. Later in Amaroqvik, the story also follows a family called the Milligans who are waiting for Andy to arrive so they could receive the medicine for their sick baby. While Andy is lost, he decides to look for a place to camp until he's found. He finds a vacant cabin to reside in until he is found and is challenged with hunger, the risk of hypothermia, and has a fear of the wolves nearby which could attack him if he fails to be cautious while outside. He finds a tree and decides to mark the tree using a stick to mark how many days he's been lost. While outside, Andy becomes tired and faints. In Amaroqvik, Mr Milligan gets worried about Andy and decides to organize a group to help hunt for him. After days of hunting, Mr Milligan and his team do not find him and decide that all they can do is pray. Waking from his unconscious state of being, Andy finds that his body is being examined by a lone wolf. Thinking the wolf will kill him, Andy pretends to continue to be unconscious and accepts the fact of being killed by the wolf. Instead of killing him, the wolf befriends Andy and provides food for him as well. While continuing his journey, Andy finds two campers who offer to bring Andy home. Faced with the bitter-sweet challenge of leaving the wolf and returning home is hard, yet Andy says his farewells and is happy to see everyone. Andy is returned home and the town rejoices at Andy's safe arrival. Mr.Milligan and his family hold a worship service at the church rejoicing that Andy was protected while lost.
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