
Pseudosciences and Non-pseudosciences

The pseudo-scientiae (pseudosciences) are of basically 2 types :
*1. harmful pseudo-scientiae = those fabricated by the ploutokrat (plutocrat) class with the intent of tricking the non-ploutokrat class into continuing to support the ploutokrateia (plutocracy) : here the non-ploutokrat class is kept in ignorance of the ploutokrats’ ultimate plan (viz., the extermination of all human beings with the exception of a few kept alive to be tortured at the whim, and for the amusement, of the ploutokrats).
*2. beneficial pseudo-scientiae = those concocted by the secret anti-ploutokrateia conspiracy masterminded by genuine scientists (generally in the physical and the philosophical sciences) with the purpose of diverting the thoughts, the energies, and the efforts of the ploutokrats into non-destructive (non-military) projects.

The non-pseudo-scientiae are those sciences which have been misleadingly designated as pseudosciences by the ploutokrats with the intent of diverting the attention of individuals from such sciences as may be most immediately efficacious of curtailing the ploutokrateia.
*Historically, the method employed by the ploutokrat class for such diverting of attention used to be (prior to the Industrial Revolution) frightening away any potential practitioners from these very efficacious methods (of curtailing the ploutokrateia) simply by gruesome death poinalties (poenalties, penalties) of being burned at the stake etc. (for sorcery against ploutokrateia). But, as (during the Industrial Revolution) intellectual curiosity was becoming allowed to be stimulated (in order to provide intellectual impetus for inventors to devise machines capable of enhancing profits for the ploutokrat class, the class commonly called “capitalist” by those ploutokrats themselves), it was found quite an impediment (against the development of mechanized industry) to frighten intellectuals by threatening them with gruesome death-poinalties; so the expedient of switching the label applied to sorcery from “hairesia” (haeresy, heresy) to “pseudo-scientia” became adopted.

Specific Pseudosciences & Non-Pseudo-sciences
*Specific harmful pseudo-scientiae : oikonomics (oeconomics, economics) & political history.
*Specific beneficial pseudo-scientiae : the more speculative parts of nuclear physics & of astrophysics.
*Non-pseudo-scientiae : sorcery capable of influencing the mind, including the mind of others (whether those others may be non-ploutokrats or ploutokrats ).

Details of Pseudosciences
*Oikonomics as a pseudo-scientia : it is falsely taught that exploitation of the working-class by the capitalism class is non-existent, that increased wages is a cause of inflation, etc. etc.
*Political history as a pseudo-scientia : it is falsely taught that (international hatred and) war is something demanded by the working-class and forced by them on the ruling class, that the ploutokrats are dominated and controlled by politicians , etc. etc.
*Psychoanalysis as a pseudo-scientia : it is falsely taught the populace is permeated by "complexes" which render them unfit to judge their social "betters" (of the ploutokrateia). [This trick in an ancient one : Christianity (as promoted by the ultra-rich) has long insinuated that the populace is so infected with a "sinful nature" as to be unworthy of anything but being rightfully oppressed.]
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