
Noisegrind, is a fusion genre, a combination of grindcore and noisecore. Noisegrind eschews traditional song structure and melody (very much like noise music), and instead focuses on creating a super fast, chaotic, uncompromising, and often very unorthodox variant of the grindcore sound.

Noisegrind probably started with the 1988 release of Disgrace to the Corpse of Sid by the British band Sore Throat and release of Rubbish Planet by band Fear of god. The albums are an amalgamation of lightning-fast blast beats, chaotic guitar noise, shrieking, incomprehensible vocals, and sampled sound bytes. Sore Throat and Fear of God provided the blueprint for the archetypal noisegrind sound, and were heavily influential on a number of later bands.

Musical Characteristics
One could say that noisegrind is essentially noise music played in the style of grindcore. It combines the theory-free, structure-free experimentation of noise music with the typical instrumentation and ethos of grindcore. Rhythmically, extremely fast blast-beats are the norm (in order to create an aggressive and heavily percussive sound). Often, guitarists will not play any sort of melody, and will instead perform what is sometimes referred to as a "blur". A blur is an improvised phrase of random notes played at extremely high speed, used to create chaotic, sometimes apocalyptic soundscapes. Vocalists almost invariably screech or grunt, and lyrics range from a wide variety of topics, from leftist/anarchist politics and violence/gore, to humour and random oddities.

Notable bands
*Anal Cunt
*Fear of God
*Sore Throat
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