Noam Ross

Noam Ross is an experienced disease ecologist and expert working out of New York. During his time at UC Davis, he gave multiple presentations at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting that covered "Modeling forest disease using a macroparasite framework" and "Optimal control of disease with individual-based models".
Occupational Work and Research
Currently, Noam Ross is the Principal Scientists for Computational Research at EcoHealth Alliance. Ross consulted with governor Andrew Cuomo's team to produce a cluster map to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in New York.
R Contributions
Through his studies and occupation, Noam Ross has accumulated over eight years of R experience. Outside of his work with EcoHealth Alliance, Ross works with ROpenSci to create new R packages for the community to use. The majority of Ross's work with ROpenSci is editing packages that his peers produce.
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