Noah Pollak

Noah Pollak is an American writer specializing in issues concerning foreign policy, Israel, and the Jewish people.
Professional life
Pollak was a regular contributor to Commentary Magazine and once wrote a blog with the Weekly Standard. He also serves as the executive director of the Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI). Pollak was formally an assistant editor of the Middle East Quarterly, a publication of the Middle East Forum. He works as a contributor for The Washington Free Beacon.
During the 2012 presidential campaign, Pollak made public appearances as a foreign policy surrogate for the Romney campaign.
Under Pollak's leadership, the Emergency Committee for Israel has received four advertising industry awards for its work in 2011 and 2012, including a Gold award in 2012 from the American Association of Political Consultants for best overall public affairs campaign.
Pollak lived in Israel for two years and served as the assistant editor of Azure magazine published by the Jerusalem-based Shalem Center. Pollak has also written for National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Haaretz, Jerusalem Post, Politico, and other publications, and appeared on Fox News PBS Newshour, and CNN.
Pollak and ECI have frequently been criticized by far-left liberal Jewish groups.
Personal life
Pollak graduated from the University of Vermont in 2003 with a degree in political science. He was formerly a student in international affairs at Yale University, as well as a member of Yale's Shabtai society.
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