Nicholas Hender

Nicholas Hender is a computer music composer, born in Melbourne, Australia, 1973. Completed studies in computer music at La Trobe University in 1997. Also completed studies in music education at Monash University in 2002. Established the Terasonic website in 2000 for the purpose of publicising and distributing musical works. Granted “Associate” representation status with the Australian Music Centre in 2004. Strongly influenced by minimalism and serialism, music by Hender generally demonstrates a tendency towards variation of timbre or texture as the main interest, rather than more conventional treatments of melody, harmony and rhythm. Focus of past works involves realising music in which tuning systems (see Musical tuning) are directly related to the frequency content of inharmonic timbre. Current work is extending on this concept, involving gradual manipulation of tuning systems to maintain direct relation to varying timbre in real time (Dynamic tonality).
Main Works Of Interest
Rocket Launcher
Harpestry 1
Harpsichordance Movement 2
Study Number 1
Study Number 2C
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