
Zedar is a fictional character in the books by David Eddings. He was the second disciple of the God Aldur. When he became the disciple he was renamed Belzedar. He appeared throughtout The Belgariad and Belgarath the Sorcerer. He was very arrogant but also very loyal to Aldur. When the Orb of Aldur was stolen Belzedar was obsessed with recovering it. It was obvious that he coveted the Orb far more then was appropriate. He devised a plan to recover the Orb by feigning service to Torak but when he tried his will to resist was crushed and he became the third disciple of Torak.

Zedar continued to work for Torak while pretending to be still faithful to Aldur. Evetually he was discovered and exposed as the third disciple. Throughout his life Zedar tried to obtain unmutilated copies of the prophecies while working against the other two disciples of Torak. Zedar was responsible for many plots designed to create turmoil in the west but they were all foiled by Belgarath or Polgara.

At the beginning of The Belgariad Zedar figures out how to steal the Orb. He uses Errand to take the Orb because he was completely innocent. He then moved around a lot to avoid being caught by Belgarath. At the bordor of Cthol Murgos, Ctuchik took the Orb and Errand away from Zedar so he goes to Cthol Mishrak to wait for Belgarion. When Polgara reaches Cthol Mishrak, Zedar confesses that he thought he was strong enough to resist the will of Torak and recover the Orb. During the altercation Durnik gets killed by Zedar causing Belgarath to attack him and sinking him into the ground for all eternity.
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