
NewsCred is a community-powered news website that aggregates content from mainstream news sources and blogs. The community then votes on the quality of articles, journalists and news organizations. NewsCred lets users personalize their digital newspaper by clicking on the logos of their favorite sources. News sources can be personalized by category (US, World, Business, Technology etc).

NewsCred is a social news platform for the news reading community to express their opinions about the quality of news content and the credibility of journalists and media organizations. Members of the site make their voice heard by voting, commenting, and interacting with the rest of the community. NewsCred then takes all the credibility data and uses it for its CredRank algorithm, with the ultimate goal of serving the highest quality news.


NewsCred was co-founded by Iraj Islam and Shafqat Islam in summer 2007, and is based out of Geneva, Switzerland and Stockholm, Switzerland. The site launched its Private Alpha in late April 2008.


NewsCred Rankings

Every article, author and news source on NewsCred has its own CredRank between 1-100, with 100 being the highest. Every time a user votes on an article, NewsCred uses that data to enhance its credibility metrics for that article. In addition, the technology also propagates that rating to the journalist or blogger who wrote the article, as well as the news source where it appeared. This data and associated trends are tracked, analyzed and presented over time in the NewsCred Analytics Module.


In July 2008, NewsCred released a new feature called NewsCred Topics. The topics are categorized as Person, Event, Organization, Company and Country. Each topic has an automatically generated page with the latest articles, photos, videos, and buzz from around the world. The buzz section is based on the Twitter API.

Semantic Connections Between Topics

NewsCred utilizes basic semantic technology algorithms to make connections between topics. When searching for a specific topic, related topics are presented to the user. In addition, on every article page, the user is presented with related topics that are being discussed in the article.
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