News Publisher

News Publisher is a proprietary press release electronic publishing software by Soft Solutions of India. It is used for online publishing of and press release on various news, press release and online websites such as,, etc. Internet has added a new dimension to press release publishing and distribution. The introduction of press release distribution websites such as, allow businesses to publish a press release online and distribute it to its readers, visitors, associated journalists and editors. These press release websites are ranked by the number of press release published on the website and the number of journalists, users and readers subscribed to it. Unlike daily news websites that gather news from their own sources and publish their printed newspaper on their website, these online press release websites take content from general users and publish it on their website. Social news websites such as:, also play an important role on internet based press release distribution. Unlike press release websites where press release are moderated by the staff and owners of the websites, these social news websites allows user community to moderate and rank news and press release published on the website. News Publisher uses web automation for submission to the websites.
News Publisher conforms to the submission guidelines of all websites and submits the content accordingly. The guidelines for users to submit content are different in each website. The guidelines may include formatting, layout, spacing, hyperlinks and fonts of the submitted content. It also supports hyperlinks in the published content for backlink generation and search engine optimization. Hyperlinks provide easy navigation for readers, increase rank of a website or a web page on search engines (SERP) by improving its visibility in search engines (SEO). News publisher recognizes captcha images during submissions. It supports printing and saving reports in PDF and HTML formats. It also supports content spinning to avoid duplicate content. The software also works as an internet marketing software to promote news, press release and business in the same way as article marketing is done using keywords and hyperlinks by submitting articles on article directories.
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