Seo tips and tricks to design and create seo friendly pages

SEO- Search Engine Optimization. It means optimizing the web page and creating a search engine friendly webpage. It is only the SEO, which will help our website/webpage to get indexed in the search engine and to gain page ranking.The effective usage of seo will help our site to get indexed and will fetch better results for our site even in the top of first page in search results under organic listings when searched with relative and appropriate keyword.
How to achieve SEO?
It is not so tough or hard to do seo in our website when a site is at the designing or starting stage.However it can be achieved even in the developed sites by modifying our html code and by adding few meta tags in our site. Any way one important thing to remember is that our site should not contain any duplicate content.
The following are the important key elements of SEO,
SEO analysis of web site:
It is the way in which we analyze the site such that we can optimize the site to get good or better results after modifying the site.
HTML code:
Our source code, Html tags in our code should be properly closed.Such that the search engine could not feel so uneasy to read our site/source code. Hence it is better if our source code or site passes w3c validation
Keyword optimization:
Keywords are the important elements in our site which has to be properly considered for doing effective seo in our site, inorder to achieve high page rankings and to get indexed and listed in the first page of search results.It can be achieved by analyzing and fetching relative keywords from Wordtracker , keyworddiscovery tool etc...
Importance of Back links:
Back links (i.e.) the incoming or inbound links adds strength to our website in the case of indexing, page ranking and gaining linkpopularity.Back links are none other than the incoming links to our site from other sites.The back links from other sites should contain appropriate keyword in it and contains related content and also it should not contain any no-follow attributes in it.
link building campaign:
We can build our links by watching our competitors site through optilink software and link popularity form which helps us to monitor and find the links in our competitors or our favorite site.After a thorough study about our competitors links then we too can try to get links from those sites where our competitors site is linked.
White Hat SEO techniques:
It includes all the above steps, in addition to that, we can add meta keyword and description tags in source code of our site, by proper usage of alt attributes in Image tags and by avoiding the usage of javascript, frames and flash in our site. In case if java script is used then NoScript tag can be used to give those info. if, frames are used then noframe tag will help us a lot to build seo friendly page. The page content should not contain any duplicate contents as well as it should be updated frequently.The page content should not be stuffed with keywords which may leads to spamdexing.
Black Hat SEO techniques:
These are the unethical SEO techniques which when used the site may also get blacklisted and spammed by search engine.Bad techniques(Black Hat SEO) include Hidden Text, Optimizing Irrelevant keywords, linking to bad neighbours, keyword stuffing and Doorway or Gateway Pages.These unethical methods of SEO, though reveals little relevant traffic, bad conversion rates and have a high chance of getting your website banned from the search engine index.
SEO Key factors:
These are the keyfactors that are required to achieve SEO friendly page includes the proper usage of title tag, meta tags, alt attribute, short domain name with keyword in it,h1 & h2 tags,href links with proper keywords in it,sitemap.html page etc.The above factors are proven SEO Techniques, that will help increase targeted traffic from achieving good or high ranking search engine positions.
Usability - Converts visitors to clients
Usability is the most important aspect of any web site on internet.Usability of the site includes easy navigation of pages, proper search result for the visitors who visit the site along with references without any delay or cross links, Secure SSL for E-Commerce sites with verisign.
Website Accessibility
While most web designers work on fast computers and in front of large screens, your visitors may access your website under more difficult conditions. Some use older computers or software, others have slower Internet connection.The goal of accessibility services is to make your web site usable for every potential client. Accessibility services will help you expand your target population.
Searching/Surfing the web:
It is the important factor which has to be known by each and every search engine optimizer such that they know how to fetch the required results from the search engine through their effective search. Hence it will be helping them to build a search engine friendly website with proper and accurate keywords for the site.
Search engine Result:
Most search engines show two kinds of results:
1.Organic results
2.Paid results/sponsored results
Organic results are sorted by relevance of web site as determined by the search engine. SEO - Search engine optimization is aimed at improving organic results of optimized sites. They are usually located in the center part of the search engine results pages (SERPs).
Paid results, often called sponsored links (Google) or sponsor results (Yahoo) appear together with the organic results. They are served by PPC (pay-per-click) advertising systems of search engines like Google AdWords or Yahoo! Search Marketing. They are usually located on the right side or at the very top of results pages. Paid results are marked by different colour background of by title.

SEO For Adult Websites
Adult website SEO work is often very delicate. Search engines filter lots of results out or apply additional safe-content filters Google has a search option "SafeSearch" that allows users to choose not to display sites that contain explicit sexual content in the search engine results.
SEO for effective web page:
In order to get the better result and page ranking we should follow the following techniques in the same order to get our site listed in the top search results. For effective pages we should include,Search Engine Optimization - Brings more visitors, Search engine marketing - increases traffic Instantly, Usability - Converts most of our site visitors in to clients, Accessibility - Expands your target population by causing the viewers to visit our site again and again.
Above the fold: The top part of a Web page that is visible without scrolling
Affiliate marketing: Using other online marketers as a source of referrals; payment is usually per click, per lead, or per sale.
Affiliate network: Third party that provides services, such as aggregation and tracking, for affiliates and marketers.
Banner ad: A graphic ad on a Web page, typically measuring 468 pixels wide and 60 pixels tall.
Blog: Online journal of entries in reverse chronological order that typically features multiple links; short for Web log.
Button ad: A graphic ad on a Web page that’s smaller than a banner
Click-through rate (CTR): Average number of click-throughs for an online ad per 100 ad impressions; a 2% click-through rate means for every 100 times the ad was seen, two people clicked on it.
Cookies: Files from a Website that are transferred to and stored on a visitor’s Website that provide information, such as what the visitor purchased and what site the visitor was on immediately preceding the visit, to the Website.
Contextual marketing: Placing merchandise near relevant content.
CPC: Cost per click
CPM: cost per 1,000 impressions.
Extranet: Group of Websites, each with a different owner, that joined together to share information; often used in supply chain management.
Frequency cap: Limit on the number of times a single viewer can be exposed to the same ad.
Impressions: The number of times a page is accessed or an ad displayed.
Interstitial: Online ad that loads between two content pages.
Intranet: Online network designed to be accessible only to members of a specific organization, with firewalls keeping out other potential users.
ISP: Internet service provider.
M-commerce: Mobile commerce; marketing via a mobile device such as a cell phone or a PDA; also called wireless commerce.
Pay per lead: Online ad payment model in which payment is based on the number of qualifying leads.
Pop-under ad: Ad that is displayed in a new browser window that appears under the already-open window.
Pop-up ad: Ad that is displayed in a new browser window.
Pay per sale: Online ad payment model in which commission based on each sale it generates, as opposed to each click or each lead; pay-per-sale programs have lower conversion rates than pay-per-click or pay-per-lead (as not every person who clicks ends up buying) pay higher commission rates.
Reciprocal links: Links between two Websites based on an agreement between the two owners.
Rich media: Web applications that offer a more interactive, animated online experience; examples including Flash and Shockwave.
ROS: Run of site; an ad that can appear anywhere in a given Website, rather than on one particular page.
RSS: Rich Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication; means of distributing dynamic content to subscribers via an XML (Extensible Markup Language) format rather than e-mail.
Shopping bots: Software programs that help Web users search for and compare specific products across multiple Websites; also called bots, intelligent agents.
Viral marketing: A campaign that uses word-of-mouth or “tell a friend” mechanisms.
Creating SEO friendly page design:
There are few factors which are mentioned above should be considered while developing a website. In order to create a Search engine friendly website we should do the following steps,
1. Clicking on the logo should take you to the home page;
2. Your logo/site title should be positioned in the top left of the page;
3. Duplicate your main navigational links in the page footer with links to additional, but less prominent pages;
4. Keep your navigation positioning consistent from page to page;
5. Don’t open links in a new tab/window, except PDF’s and embedded documents;
6. Highlight your current location in your navigation bar;
7. Use reasonable sized fonts (12px or larger);
8. Make sure font sizes are flexible (Use em’s or %, not px);
9. Sans-serif fonts are easier to read at small sizes;
10. Serif fonts are easier to read at large sizes;
11. Center your layout on the screen;
12. Use a page width appropriate for your audience (Older people use lower resolutions, tech saavy people use higher resolutions);
13. Use whitespace to logically group related items on the page;
14. Use font sizes, colors and styles to prioritize content;
15. Use 1.4 or 1.5em line height;
16. Use line lengths of 45 - 60 characters, the same as a paperback book;
17. Link to related content within the context of your page content;
18. Make sure your links change color/style when visited;
19. Always underline links, except some navigational cases;
20. Do not make important parts of the website look like an advertisement;
21. Use pull quotes to highlight important content in a lengthy article;
22. Text should be concise and be able to be scanned;
23. Use dark gray text instead of black text on a white background;
24. Break long pages into multiple pages;
25. Do not use all uppercase words, word shape helps word recognition;
26. Divide text into sections and use sub headlines to make content more easily scanned;
27. Keep a consistent layout, colors and typography throughout the whole site;
28. Print friendly automatically with print stylesheets;
29. Use buttons to submit forms (Some images which look like buttons are ok);
30. Don’t disguise or over-style inputs;
31. Don’t redesign standard UI elements, like scroll bars (this means you, flash people!);
32. Use breadcrumb navigation for hierarchical content;
33. Search results page should reiterate the phrase you searched for;
34. Do call your homepage “home” - not “welcome,” “front page,” “your company name” or anything else;
35. Use short and easy to read URL’s;
36. Give links to other content on your site related to their current page;
37. Optimize images for fast downloading;
38. Publish new content regularly, don’t “set it and forget it;”
39. Test in all browsers and OS’s, and different versions - IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome;
40. Listen to your users and let them dictate changes (user centered design);
41. Avoid using jargon in page copy unless absolutely necessary;
42. Keep forms short, only ask for what you absolutely need;
43. Encourage conversation around your content. Comments, forums, etc…;
44. Include a text only site map;
45. Use the title attribute on links to add more context;
46. Never use “click here” as the text on a link;
47. Write in a inverted pyramid style;
48. Create friendly 404 pages which help people find content;
49. Create incentive to come back later;
50. Connect information via hyperlinks, don’t force navigational channels;
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