Newgrounds Linux

Newgrounds Linux is a computer operating system based on the Debian GNU/Linux distribution and named after the popular website of the same name.
The distribution was built heavily using Debian and Ubuntu (version 9.04) source code by an local user of Newgrounds called Rohedin in September of 2009 after a month of planning, developing, testing and problems. It was shown to the public via a forum thread.
* The Newgrounds Linux installer is based off the Ubuntu installer which should be easier to use for beginners and GNOME users.
* Newgrounds Linux Directory supports centralized software deployment and roaming profiles when used with Newgrounds Linux Desktop
* Newgrounds Linux can act as a domain controller and supports Windows 2000/XP clients
* Newgrounds Linux fully support Debian repositories
* Newgrounds Linux allows to select software packages and build customized distribution for your own needs.
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