Neo Pastafarian Church of Costa Rica

The Neo Pastafarian Church of Costa Rica is the first Neo Pastafarian Church worldwide. It was founded in San José, Costa Rica, in the year 2014, and is fully downward compatible with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Neo Pastafarians add to the Pastafarian credo in various ways, most prominently:
* NeoPastafarians believe that the Costa Rican seas, given that they were once upon a time pirate-infested waters, correspond to Pastafarian Holy ground.
* Neo Pastafarians believe that the Stone spheres of Costa Rica are actually the remnants of pre-Columbian worship of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. No known theory explains the existence of these spheres, so NeoPastafarians currently have the only known plausible explanation for these objects.
Neo Pastafarianism is a fully computational church, initially born in the school of Computer Engineering at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology. This computational flair is manifest in the Churches practices and beliefs, which are maintained in full version in github as a version controlled document. This NeoPastafarian page is intended to be forked or copied, so long as its license is honored: anyone can copy the beliefs, rites, and church structure, so long as it is done for non-profit development. Neo Pastafarian beliefs and dogma can be proposed by any member of the church and are documented in Neo Pastafarian Proposals or NEPs.
The Neo Pastafarian main community gathers around the Neo Pastafarian website where events and announcements are posted.
Neo Pastafarians main credo is expressed in their phrase: "Tolerance of Intolerance shall never be tolerated."
In 2014 the Costa Rica the congress of Costa Rica put on the legislative agenda the discussion of a project that was contemplating a law to eliminate the Catholic church as the official religion, but instead of doing this the proposal opened up the possibility for the state to finance and participate with religious orders of all kinds. This played to the interests of a couple of Evangelical Christian political parties that had been able in the previous elections to secure seats in congress. Classical Pastafarianism had been used previously by Bobby Henderson to promote the separation of church and state, specifically in the area of science education, and this situation seemed to provide a ripe opportunity to consolidate a Pastafarian Church.
At the same time a group of Costa Rican pastafarians, with strong philosophical convictions regarding liberty of thought and opposition to intolerance, and in the interest of promoting a non confesional change in the Costa Rican constitution, got together to consolidate the Neo-Pastafarian church of Costa Rica, an open source computational church one hundred percent downward compatible with the church of the flying spaghetti monster as brought to us by divine revelation by the prophet Bobby Henderson.
The Church was showcased in the national press with an article that brought the new religion to national attention.
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