Near Infinity Corporation

Near Infinity Corporation, located in Reston, Virginia, is a provider of software development and consulting services for commercial, defense, and intelligence community customers. It owns and markets the intelliPrints auditing product. It was founded in 2002 by Chris D'Agostino. As of mid 2008 Near Infinity employs about 50 employees. Its employees speak at numerous technology conferences, have published many articles, and actively blog on technology issues. Chris D'Agostino has spoken at Agile IT Experience. Scott Leberknight - Chief Architect at Near Infinity - has spoken at Groovy Grails, No Fluff Just Stuff, and EclipseWorld and was a contributing author to the book No Fluff Just Stuff 2007 Anthology. Matt Wizeman, Chief Scientist and Jeff Kunkle, Chief Operating Officer have spoken at the Aspect Oriented Software Development Conference. Jason Harwig has spoken at No Fluff Just Stuff. Lee Richardson has published articles with Gantthead and DevX. Bill Bejeck has published with the Adobe Developer Connection. Near Infinity is a partner with Atlassian.
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