NCD International

NCD International is an international ministry established to help leaders and churches experience qualitative and quantitative growth. All of its training and resources are based on the paradigm of Natural Church Development, a principle-oriented approach to life that seeks to integrate biblical standards and empirical discoveries. NCD International has researched more than 70,000 churches, covering 84 countries and 112 denominations. NCD tools are available in 40 languages. NCD research claims that investment in quality is key to activating quantitative growth.
In 1989 the German theologian Christian A. Schwarz founded the Institute for Church Development. After a phase of extensive international research, the Institute was renamed Institute for Natural Church Development. Now, this ministry is generally referred to as NCD International.
Some of the activities (such as publishing, web development, test construction, etc.) have been delegated to companies specifically focused on that topic (such as NCD Media, NCD International GmbH & Co KG, Journey to Life Ltd.).
NCD International works through NCD Partners in 65 different countries. These partners are independent organizations that are responsible for making the diagnostic and remedial processes of NCD available in their cultures and languages and to support individuals and churches by training and coaching.
In July 2016 NCD International decided to give the "C" in NCD a threefold meaning: it stands for "character" and "community" as well as for "church".
Areas of ministry
NCD International has three primary areas of ministry:
All of the diagnostic tools that NCD has developed are based on empirical research that has been conducted at an international level. The extensive database that has become available to the Institute over the past two decades, has enabled the evaluation of many theological statements about the Christian life from an empirical perspective.
Resource development
NCD develops various tools focused on church development and personal growth. An increasing number of tools have been made available in a web-based format, primarily in the form of eTests.
Training and coaching
NCD provides, either directly or through NCD Partners, training for church leaders and coaches. These coaches support groups and organizations (such as local churches, denominations, or para-church organizations) in the implementation of Natural Church Development.
The philosophy of Natural Church Development is characterized by: principle-orientation, interdenominational application, intercultural learning, scientific evaluation, quality focus, spiritual balance, and process-orientation.
The major strategic building blocks of NCD are the eight quality characteristics of healthy churches, the six growth forces, the minimum-factor strategy, and the Trinitarian Compass.
A central part of NCD is a diagnostic tool called the NCD Church Survey. This resource enables churches to assess their present quality and to identify the area of greatest need ("minimum factor"). As a second step, the church is supported by specifically designed tools and coaching to increase its quality in the respective area. After a given time, the church conducts a repeat-profile to monitor the actual progress. According to NCD theory, this investment in the quality or health of the church is the factor that has the strongest correlation to numerical growth.
The ministry is directed by Christian A. Schwarz, Christoph Schalk, and Adam Johnstone. This leadership team is supported by an informal advisory board with representatives of different cultures and denominations.
As it functions as a pure network, NCD International does not have any legal authority over other groups or individuals. This is intended as a means of ensuring that those involved in the ministry are engaged purely because they are personally convinced of its value.
NCD International does not actively pursue donations, but instead endeavors to fund all of its activities directly from the fruit of the ministry itself (e.g. sale of resources, seminar honorariums, etc.).
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