
Natureceuticals is a fancy word for therapuetics substances derived from natural products.
For centuries, treatment of aches and pains have been some of the most common applications.

One of the most "hottest" items these days, is Capsaicin (no pun intended). Capsaicin is the main pungent ingredient in 'hot' chilli peppers. It activates sensory neurons (nerve cells) and elicits a burning sensation. It paradoxically appears to treat pain associated with certain disease states. It is currently being studied as a topical treatment for Shingles. Another example is Menthol. When applied topically, Menthol causes coolness due to stimulation of 'cold' receptors by inhibiting Calcium ion currents of nerve membranes. Devil's claw extract is an herbal analgesic that has been shown to treat pain, and may even be associated with a lower risk of adverse events than treatments with synthetic analgesics.
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