Natural Bypass

The phenomenon of naturally growing new collateral blood vessels around major or minor arteries to supply blood to heart muscles is known as Natural Bypass'.
It is been known that exercises helps in increasing blood flow through coronary arteries. This results in stimulating heart capillaries to elongate, widen, and form new connections. When a blockage happens in arteries, body will try to reroute some of the blood flow through these newly formed connections in the capillaries that will act as natural bypasses to get around the blockage.
Any exercises that gets the heart beating faster should help in the development of natural bypasses if they are done regularly.
For heart patients or persons who have already undergone who cannot perform severe exercises, there are machines available in some hospitals that can artificially increase the flow of blood in the coronary channels by directly increasing the pressure at the root of the coronary arteries. This continued non-invasive procedure is found to help in developing natural bypasses.
Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP) is one such therapy that uses compressive cuffs (similar to large blood pressure cuffs) that are securely wrapped around the patient's calves, thighs and buttocks to assist in the development of natural bypasses.
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