Nathanael Kapner

Brother Nathanael, born Milton L. Kapner
Brother Nathanael was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Jewish parents. Although his parents were religious, they were also accepting of other ideas including Christianity, and he credits his parents listening to Ed Ames' recording of the Christmas carol "O Holy Night" with later inspiring his conversion to Christianity. Kapner's protesting style is colorful, and he was once barred from a ski resort for dancing to James Brown's "I Feel Good" in the middle of a ski run. In response to his legal issues, Kapner has said "Now, as a salesman for Jesus Christ, I operate on a whole new corporate policy....I will go to jail for Christ. I'll take them all on, little old me with my cross."
The Chancery of the ROCOR Synod of Bishops has condemned Kapner's activism, saying that they are "saddened by the state of his soul" and have called on him to refrain from posting on the Internet and to lead a life of repentance.
He believes that the Mossad was behind 9/11, and says "The Jewish House Of Rothschild has been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives beginning with their global financial power." Nathanael has also advanced conspiracy theories regarding the closure of Dillon Dam Road.<ref name="zionism"/>
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