
Amare Way Holistic Living is an holistic approach to life, its initials standing for : Aware (being), Meditating, Active (being), Respectful (being), Eating properly. This approach is reviewed on sites like, Authorstream , Ground Report and several blogs .
The acronymous Amare Way Holistic Living may be explained in more details as:
A - Aware (Being)
Being aware is the process which turns our lives and improves them. It is not a one-time task, it is a life-long exploration. It can start in different ways, from different reasons. Being aware starts with understanding that, while the past made us what we are today, and the future may give us the time to put our skills at the service of our beloved ones, the present is the only tense which really counts, and here the only place where we are. Being aware also means considering the needs and wants of ourselves, the people who are dear to us, the people who do not arise any specific feeling in us, and the ones who we would not rather meet.
M - Meditating
Meditating can be done in a non-sectarian or religious way. Praying is a form of meditation, loving kindness is contemplated in meditation, meditating may also be a way to relax the mind. It can be done standing, sitting, walking, and it has also been said that sleeping may be the most effective form of meditation.
A - Active (Being)
Being active to put in practice what we learn is extremely important. That shows to us if we are motivated enough, and also provide a loop of thinking-acting-rethinking which is the way to progress. Holistic living is a state of mind, and also a state of action. One basic example about the importante of being active. We can find online thousands of tasty recipes, but even if we learn them by heart, they do not feed us. We can also find many advices about empowering people and solving the world's challenges; words and speeches are as important as the actions they inspire.
R - Respectful (Being)
Being respectful starts with respecting ourselves. By being both objective and loving about who we are, we build the start for improving relationship with the one we care for, and the world. Being respectful with ourselves is implemented in many ways: listening to our body, for signals it may be very comfortable, in need of a rest, etc. Listening to our feelings, needs and wants, and communicate them in a respectful way to our beloved ones. We also need to be respectful of other people, and environment. And respect the power of the context, which is formed by the place and time where events take place.
E - Eating (properly)
Eating properly is self-evident: we are what we eat! Still, even if we heard it many times, we need to remind it to ourselves when we sit at the table. Eating properly is a form of respect towards our body; and also towards the generations which preceded us, and to whom we owe our nativity.
Amare is positive and important verb which is so dear to the passionate and family-loving Italian culture. It also happens to make sense in English language: (I) Am (We) Are. It stands for unity, non-duality, oneness, interconnectedness, etc. it summarizes there is no Am without Are, and no Are without Am. While, in the conventional sense, people do have our own personalities and lives, power of making choices and doing good, people are also interdependent.
This stands as a middle way, equally distant from absolutism (everything exists by itself) and nihilism (nothing exists). People exist, here and now, but their existence is possible only thanks to the whole. Think about a seed: it can grow into a strong, tall, green tree; the information necessary to make it grow are part of the seed itself, but the nutrients and nourishing, come from the sun, the rain, the land. And the land is fertilized also thanks to the residue of the trees which were there before, plus other elements.
People do have the power to make choices, to make lives better, to tale appropriate actions; at the same time, people exist thanks to their surroundings, that is also one reason why it is very important to think carefully about what people do, go, etc. because it is easy to confuse what people do with what people are.
Love formula
Amare Way Holistic Living can be applied to all aspects of life, including relationship, in the form of a love formula to quantify relationship dynamics .
Love can be represented with variables in an equation, and relationship can be improved with a holistic approach to couple dynamics. As long as the equation is open enough to let the respondents define what matters (and in which measure) for them in a relationship, and defined enough to allow comparison within a couple and also among different respondents. Love can be represented as:
Love = (Aw * Ag) + (Mw * Mg) + (A1w * A1g) + (Rw * Rg) + (Ew * Eg) + (...).
These are the variables, which represent the pillars of a successful relationship:
A: Aware (being) of each other and couple's feelings, thoughts, needs and wants
M: Meditating together, or at least sharing thoughts
A1:Active (being) together, do things together
R: Respectful (being) of each other and couple's feelings, thoughts, needs and wants
E: Eating properly and support each other healthy lifestyle, and also feed the relationship with positive feelings and thoughts
(...): if there are additional aspects considered too important to be included in the rest of the formula, they can be weighted and graded here
For each of such pillars, two aspects are quantified by respondents:
w: weight, importance given to each aspect (sum of all weights should be 100)
g: grade, rating given to each aspect (each grade is a value between 0 and 1)
This formula is meant to be descriptive and preventive, but not predictive. The author of this formula is also working on the formula of happiness which, in its more advanced form, will allow to predict different degrees of likelihood for an event, action, etc. to succeed in a specific context.
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