Nandakumar ToolKit

Nandakumar ToolKit, briefly NTK is a widget toolkit based on X Window System for C++ GUI programming.
The project was started in June 2012. There are many successful widget sets like GTK and Qt already. GTK is the most successful and beautiful widget set for GNOME. Since these widget sets are made very user friendly, developers will easily write GUI programmes without knowing what happens behind the scene. The story of NTK begins there. A set of simple ready-to-use widgets, but the connection with the window system is open to the developer. That means low-level GUI programming is possible. NTK is started to achieve this goal.
Technical aspects
It is a set of header files and other resources to make GUI programming easy. NTK is only an appendix to the X Window System.
Platform Compatibility
Since NTK is only an appendix to the X Window System, the operating system must contain X Window System in it to run NTK applications. GNU/Linux distros come with X Window System so other installations are not needed. Microsoft Windows needs third party softwares to run X based applications. compiler is the another requirement. NTK header files and examples are tested with , the GNU Compiler successfully. If these things are ready, one can install NTK.
Programming Language Compatibility
The X Window System supports C, and other languages. But currently the NTK headers are only available for . They are only tested with by the developer.
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